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returned to Idaho since 1989!


Classroom Wishlist

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Classroom Wishlist is a monthly Idaho Lottery Do Good program that allows teachers to submit their classroom wishes to be fulfilled. With the help of our players, the Idaho Lottery funds up to $10,000 in classroom needs every month!


Wiggle stools, reptile tank, and rug for Lisa Sutton

  Teacher Lisa Sutton says "I am writing today on behalf of myself and my first grade students. We are looking for financial assistance in improving our classroom environment in three ways. First, by helping us purchase 17 Storex Wiggle Stools. Second, by helping us purchase a home for our classroom pet, Sheldon, a box turtle who would really like to come to school. Third, a classroom rug for the additional students joining our class this fall. We believe this project will cost around $1350. I am inquiring about this proposal now because it is my dream to have this project up and running by the time school starts in August 2024.

  First, I teach very active, darling first graders at Adams Elementary in Rexburg, Idaho. On average I have about 20 students a year. My students and I spend over 30 hours a week in our classroom. Many of those weeks are long winter months. I feel driven to make our classroom a warm and functional place where my students can learn, grow and feel comfortable.

  This last school year I had a very energetic class. I spent a lot of time studying and experimenting with how to use that energy to help my students progress academically. I read many articles about the benefits of incorporating movement into learning.

  I purchased 3 Storex Wiggle Stools to see if this type of seating option would help my most active kiddos be able to focus while doing their work. I was amazed at the results. Many of my students who had previously struggled with their school work were able to focus by being given the option to move while studying. Towards the end of the year, we were rotating the stools between everyone in the class. Three students a day would be given a chance to use the stools. My dream for the upcoming school year is for every student in my class to enjoy the benefits of adding movement to their learning. You could make this dream come true by helping us purchase 17 Storex Wiggle Stools for our classroom.

  Second, about a year and a half ago our class was given a very cute box turtle named Sheldon. Sheldon has been desperate to come to school. I know my students would love having him as a classroom pet particularly because Sheldon would be a hands-on way of interacting with our writing and science curriculum. Unfortunately, Sheldon does not currently have a home that is conducive with our school environment. You could make this dream come true by helping us purchase a home for Sheldon. We know he would feel comfortable in a 45 Gallon Reptile Tank.

  Third, in our classroom we have a gathering spot. We currently can fit 16-18 students comfortably in this spot. Our school will be losing one of our first grade teachers next year. The position will not be replaced which means my class will be welcoming more students than ever before this fall. Our gathering spot is central to our classroom environment. I would like everyone to have a comfortable place of their own. You could make this dream come true by helping us purchase a Black and White Scallop on Black Classroom Rug.

  Lastly, let me take the liberty of speaking for all teachers in Idaho by saying thank you for your support. Thank you for helping us make the dreams we have for our students possible."


Want to help Do GOOD? As a VIP Club member you can donate your points toward Classroom Wishlist projects in the Do Good section of the VIP Club Rewards. We can’t grant these projects without the help of our generous players. They make GOOD happen every day!


Is there something that your classroom needs? Materials, experiences, supplies that would help make your classroom more successful?

Read the guidelines below BEFORE you submit your wish!

  • Must be 18 years or older to submit a classroom Wishlist.
  • All Wishlists must benefit an Idaho public school.
  • A typical funded project is around $2,000 , however, we can consider up to $10,000 in total.
  • All information, including ordering links, must be included for a Wishlist to be considered!
  • Educators may submit an unlimited number of times but can only be awarded twice in a fiscal year.
  • Wishlists are evaluated on the following criteria: Impact, Urgency and Quality of Submission.
  • Wishlists are pulled the first of each month. If you don’t get selected, don’t give up, re-submit.