Classroom Wishlist:
Classroom Wishlist is a monthly program that allows teachers to submit their classroom wishes to be fulfilled. The Lottery funds up to $10,000 in wishes each month through the generous VIP Club member point donations.
Classroom Wishlist is a monthly program that allows teachers to submit their classroom wishes to be fulfilled. The Lottery funds up to $10,000 in wishes each month through the generous VIP Club member point donations.
28% of Idaho elementary schools have a library budget of $100 or less. This program assists elementary school libraries through the Idaho Commission for Libraries. Applications are accepted each September.
The Idaho Lottery has offered this fastest fundraiser program since 2001. This annual event is a chance for schools to raise additional funds for things such as books, desks, video equipment, field trips and much more.
Players donate 50 points to get an entry into the Love Your School drawing which happens once a month. The winner will get to choose an Idaho public school to receive a $1,000 gift.