ico-game-tile-shape Asset 1 ico-game-tile-shape
$1,285,535,725 returned to Idaho since 1989! VIP Club

returned to Idaho since 1989!

  • $250,000

    Top Prize
  • $20.00

  • 2.89

    overall odds
  • 88.98%

click and hold your mouse over this image to scratch off the ticket.

HOW TO PLAY Scratch the YOUR LETTERS box to reveal your letters. Scratch the corresponding letters on

PUZZLE 1 and PUZZLE 2. If you uncover at least three (3) or more completed words in PUZZLE 1 or PUZZLE 2, you win the prize shown in the corresponding PRIZE LEGEND.

If you uncover every letter in a PRIZE LINE, you win the prize shown for that line. If you completely uncover the $25 BONUS, $50 BONUS or $75 BONUS using YOUR LETTERS, you win the prize shown for that word.

Each PUZZLE and BONUS is played separately.

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